Baden-Powell Award for Angela
13 Years as a Girl Guide 2015 was a very busy year for Angela at Girl Guides. As a youth member for 13 consecutive years, she is quite familiar with…

Online membership renewal
Guides Victoria have advised that the online payment system is now working. Membership for renewing youth members is payable at the end of January. [facebook https://www.facebook.com/girlguidesvic/posts/1071005909610724]

Australia Day Awards 2016
Happy Australia Day On this special Australia Day morning, the 1st Sebastopol Girl Guides assisted the City of Ballarat at the Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony. The Guides welcomed guests, provided…

Decorating activity with Lions Christmas Cake
During the year, the Sebastopol Girl Guides enjoyed an activity using Lions Club Christmas cakes. This would also be a good challenge for those looking for a useful school holiday activity. Each cake…

Lord Baden-Powell : Gone Home
Today is the 75th anniversary of the passing of Lord Baden-Powell. We commemorate the going home of the Chief Scout of the World. He passed away peacefully in Nyeri, Africa on…

Things to think about : Self-awareness
While we were travelling in the car yesterday, we managed to polish off a bag of Fruity Chews (The Natural Confectionery Co). Apart from being yummy, with no artificial colours…

BlazeAid : Assistance for Scotsburn Bushfire cleanup
Ballarat Girl Guides have been asked to assist the CWA ladies with the local BlazeAid project. There are currently people who are cleaning up and re-fencing after the recent Scotsburn bushfire and assistance…

Rosie Batty at Girls Rock
Girls Rock 2016 is an activity for adult members focused on Empowering our Leaders for the future. This year’s guest speaker is Rosie Batty. Rosie is the 2015 Australian of the…