Trefoils in Melbourne

April 30, 2023
This weekend our Ruff Diamond Trefoils enjoyed a train trip and a productive day in Melbourne.
Julie-Anne has shared the details with us:
What started off as a chilly wait for the train to arrive proved to be a trip down memory lane when I ducked into the Cafe at the station to escape the chilly air.
Fortunately, the weather warmed up as we arrived in Melbourne. We picked up a few bargains at the Queen Victoria Market along with some ideas for activities to do with the Guides. Our will power was strong as we resisted the freshly cooked doughnuts and churros, opting to purchase some fresh fruit instead.
The Royal Arcade didn’t disappoint and we discovered some very special stores. We discovered Tasmania has come to Melbourne so we can now indulge in some delectable Caramel sauce. Next time I plan to take a chill bag with me to pick up some cheese.
Going to Melbourne would not be complete without a stop at the Sweet shop at Southern Cross.
It was a lovely way to spend time with friends and certainly something to plan again in the future.