The Bee Challenge

May 4, 2021
Several Ballarat Guide Units have taken on the challenge of learning about bees.
May 20th is World Bee Day, the perfect opportunity to focus on the significance of bees for our survival.
There is a world-wide bees crisis that is destined to cause problems for people too. One third of Australian food and 65% of crops are dependent on pollination.
Our Guides have found the topic of bees very interesting and have worked on bee-related challenges throughout May. Collectively, our girls have:
- visited a local bee keeper to learn about bees and how honey is made
- made up songs about bees
- played bee-themed games
- decorated ‘bee art’
- made hand scrub from raw honey
- learnt about the body parts of bees
- visited apiaries
- learnt about the life-cycle of bees
- planted a bee-friendly flower
- made a bee hostel
- made bee craft items
- made wax lunch wraps from recycled material
- learnt the Waggle Dance
- thought about what they can bee and what they want to bee
Anybody interested in bees is welcome to work on the challenges and earn and earn a Bee Challenge badge.