Outdoor Cooking

Sebas Guides Outdoor Cooking 2024 (25)

June 20, 2024

The Sebastopol Girl Guides recently braved a chilly winter night to practice their outdoor cooking skills. The evening began with the preparation of a large damper. They mixed the dough, rolled it into a spiral, and then cooked it in a camp oven nestled among the coals of an open fire. The aroma of freshly baked bread was a positive sign that something delicious would result.

The girls then moved on to pizza jaffles. They filled slices of bread with ham, cheese, pineapple and pizza sauce, then pressed them in jaffle irons, and cooked them over the fire. The sizzling cheese and crispy bread made for a delicious treat that everyone enjoyed.

The final culinary adventure of the night was making popcorn. The kernels were wrapped in foil and placed in the fire. Unfortunately, most of the popcorn burnt, providing a perfect learning moment. The Guides discussed what went wrong and shared ideas on how to improve the process next time, turning a small setback into an educational experience.

Through these activities, the Guides not only learned practical cooking skills but also the importance of teamwork, patience, and problem-solving in outdoor settings.


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