B.P. Awards in Ballarat

February 8, 2018
Be Prepared. Be Practical. Be Physical. Be a Guide!
Three Girl Guides from the 4th Ballarat Guide Unit were recently recognised for their effort, persistence and achievement for work completed on their BP Award.
The BP Award consists of various challenges and activities that each Guide undertakes, usually over the course of a 12 month period.
Catherine Howlett and Grace Tabone achieved the Junior BP Award, covering areas relating to:
- Guiding Traditions
- Promise and Law
- Service
- and World Guiding.
Jacinta McCarthy completed the BP Award, focusing on the same elements but to a more in-depth standard.
The attainment of these awards was the result of many months of planning, learning and discovering new skills. Each girl shared her accomplishments with Leaders and Guides as she completed the challenges.
Their success was celebrated at a special ceremony and party. Their achievements have provided the younger Guides in their unit with inspiration to undertake new badges and challenges. Some will take up the challenge of working on their own BP Award.
Guides continues to be a great place for young girls to learn new skills, be of service to others, be active members of their community and a place to make new friends.
Article published in The Miner. February 8. page 15.