Because we’re for girls.
The mission of Girl Guides Australia is to help girls and young women grow into confident, self-respecting, responsible community members.
We believe strongly that Australian girls are best served by a program designed specifically for Guides, and facilitated by women. These women are role models who encourage the girls to challenge themselves and achieve. Girl Guides Australia provides girls and women with the opportunity to experience leadership and management positions from a young age.
In Guiding, women and girls take positions of leadership, use their talents and abilities in planning and policy-making, and are encouraged to take these skills into their lives. This allows them to build their self-esteem. Guides provide a unique girl-only environment, vital for personal and social development. It’s a safe, inclusive space where girls can be comfortable just being themselves. Guiding offers a unique opportunity for girls to acquire leadership skills, to become self-reliant, to enjoy the friendship of other women and girls, and to develop a sense of well-being and self-worth.
There is plenty of research to show that girls and boys realise a greater degree of their potential if they spend part of their time in a single-sex environment.
[Ref: Girl Guides Australia]