• Body-GirlGuide-CreateAChallengeKnow the reasons supporting full immunisation before attending schools. What is the current immunisation schedule for school entry?
  • Make up an exercise plan for yourself for two weeks and stick to it.
  • With your unit, try 3 different types of exercise.
  • Make up or perform a dance routine.
  • Be able to list 5 tips for exercising safely.
  • Create a poster encouraging people to drink more water
  • Keep track of how much water you drink over a day and see if you can improve it for the next day.


  • Cut out 20 different foods from a supermarket catalogue and sort them into foods that should be eaten often, foods that should be only eaten sometimes and foods that should be eaten rarely.
  • Follow a healthy recipe at home and share it at Guides
  • Decide on an unhealthy food to give up for a week.
  • Have a discussion in your unit about the foods you usually eat and how you could improve.


  • Recognise, and be able to draw, the ACCESS symbol for the disabled. Tell the assessor what you have observed at the local shopping centre which may assist or hinder disabled people.
  • Learn about a famous disabled person
  • Explain how someone you know manages in spite of their disability



Badge Syllabus Ideas


Girl Guide Badges